My Baker’s Box: A Monthly Subscription Service

April 22, 2014

When I found this subscription for bakers, I emailed all my pastry friends with the news. I already have one for beauty products that I adore, but now there’s another that encourages me to make desserts.

Created by three ladies with a passion for baking, each month My Bakers Box subscribers receives a parcel of unique baking supplies, recipes and instructions.

Originally I planned on creating a video blog about my experience. I unfortunately was hit with a bad seasonal cold and sound a bit congested. I did not want to hold up the creation of this video since Halloween is around the corner. I apologize if I sound congested … well …. I was congested.

My first impression of October’s Baker Box was fair. Not necessary for the beginner (the person who just discovered their kitchen), but you don’t need a culinary degree to use the items. If you are the occasional baker you will be enthralled with the monthly theme. The constant baker you hit the 50% sales after each holiday and should have an inventorial of cupcake wrappers and the like.

I think the turnout was especially cute especially the cake pops. My favorites were the Gingerdead Men. You can use your cake and cookie recipes or go to MBB’s blog for how-tos and recipes.

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