Go Home Cupid, You’re Drunk – Fun with Rum Balls

January 18, 2016

The day after Christmas holiday decorations come down and the red, white, and pink colors of Valentine’s Day go up. As a chronically single lady, I’m just recovering from the Christmas and New Year’s Eve movies, television shows, and commercials that say: “If you are single, then you are loser.”

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Getting Over It: Food Rush’s Cookie Competition Revisited

January 4, 2016

Two years ago, I appeared on a television cooking competition show. I usually a second-guess myself and rehash the mistakes I made no matter if they are indeed errors or not. This time (perhaps even the first time) I was on my A game. I did everything right therefore I wanted to take the time to revisit Food Rush’s Cookie Competition.

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Off Topic: Year of the Prophet

December 28, 2014

Every year as long as I can remember I compiled a list of New Year Resolutions. I think I may accomplish 10%, but I still do it year after year.

It’s the standard lose weight and get a boyfriend (both a various gain and loss), but I feel like I must do so. Like this blog, I do it for myself. I don’t expect others to give me accolades about my accomplishments or chastise for my failure. I do it to for me.

Behold the 2015 New Year Resolution – Year of Dana

  1. Blog more / update your personal journal
  2. Write more articles
  3. Update business plan
  4. Apply for LLC
  5. Exercise more and journal my caloric intake
  6. Lose 40 lbs. (see above)
  7. Eat less meat
  8. Be more positive and stop holding grudges (at least try)
  9. Delete Facebook from phone
  10. Eliminate clutter
  11. Make breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner more often – less takeaway – you are a chef for heaven’s sake!!!
  12. Open a store front or attain a food truck. Bring The Pastry Prophet to the people
  13. Volunteer more
  14. Say what you mean
  15. See more plays and visit museums
  16. Read more books (you’ve been slacking D’)
  17. Visit your friends that live out of state and country
  18. Date more, but date guys that are in your league and respect you
  19. Drink less :/ (good luck with that)
  20. Keep your promises


Putting Myself Out There

July 28, 2014

I participated in my first vendor tasting. The kitchen incubator I belong to invited clients like myself that has a small food business to show big-name area vendors our wares.

I thought this was a good opportunity to show what The Pastry Prophet can do. I emailed the director to sign up to present a fan favorite — Gluten Free Cupcakes. I know cupcakes are becoming passe, but people who need to have gluten free food told me it’s one of the best cakes they have ever tried.

Obviously there are people who cannot or choose not to indulge in wheat flours, nuts, sugar, or animal products. Why should they be penalized because of it? I say they should not. That’s why I’m so proud that people who need gluten-free items are so delighted by my cakes.

I scheduled the day off from my day job and planned my pastry battle.

The night before I started to freak out. I sat in my car thinking perhaps I should cancel. What am I doing?

Don’t worry. I got over it.

Come at me bro … and try a cupcake!


I won’t bore you with details, but I learned so much in such a short period. Presentation is important. I need to work on stepping back and viewing it from the potential customer’s point of view. Not just how the product looks, but the staging of the product as well.
Also (and this is something I have worked on this issue for a long time) I realize I need to get a thicker skin. I say thicker because I think I can take criticism now much better than in the past. What I find really irritating to me are people who go out of their way to be condescending.
What are you getting out of acting like a jerk to me? I’ve dealt (and defeated) the biggest and best bitches out there from Catholic school to the catty broads in the work force. All I have to say is “Fuck you from the bottom of my heart.” No one has time for your low self-esteem.

That said, I am very appreciative of the help I received. I felt like a little lost lamb and the Executive Director worked her magic to make all the participants appear their very best. I watched her in awe. I aspire to be the business woman that she is. I know it won’t happen overnight, but it’s a goal.

Moving on ….
My next goal is that I need to focus on packaging and presentation. I have labels sporting my logo, but here’s another question: How easy is it for my customer to transport it? Will my products stay intact if dropped? Do I want people to eat them on the go? Will they display them for retail? And so on.
I plan on partaking in the next vendor testing. I really need to get my name and product out there. So far word of mouth is working fine, but if I want to make business my life it needs to be my main focus.
My facility plans on doing this quarterly. Although I think I was pretty green, I will be ready for battle the next time.

